Civ Royale

I worked as a game designer with Roamer Games from April 2023 until the end of August 2023. I focused on designing features for monetization, refining existing features, and adding content to the game while in early access to stabilize it for a 2023 release.

Content Generation

  • Create fun and historically relevant characters that players will engage with

  • Find references and artwork to guide art team

  • Optimize stats, abilities, and flavor to provide engaging combat

Economy Balance

  • Adjust economy values based on product needs

  • Ensure that players have access to content both as paid and F2P players

  • Optimize progression and content to ensure monetization routes are effective

Documentation / Tracking

  • Document and update existing features as they are developed

  • Ensure library of mock ups, specs, and spreadsheets is current and accessible for engineers / marketing / QA

Feature Design

  • Create and adjust existing features based on player interest

  • Assess market viability and research player interest

  • Create specs and support developers as features are implemented

Mock Ups

  • Design UI / UX experiences as wireframes before handoff to artist

  • Ensure mock ups cover all feature needs and flows prior to engineering handoff


I worked at Wicked Realm Games from June 2022 to January 2023 as a game designer. My primary project was Star Trek Timelines, a mobile and PC game released in 2016. I created live-ops content, then transitioned to feature specific work for an end-game addition.

Live-Ops Content

  • Create character art briefs based on IP adherance

  • Design ship abilities, flavor text, and equipment loadout

  • Provide art reference / generate ideas for 2D artists

  • Adjust content based on live-ops production calendar

Ticket Economy Design

  • Create a ticket system for end-game feature

  • Work with existing currencies to maintain balance

  • Enforce spending while ensuring reasonable daily access for players

UI / UX Improvements

  • Improve flow and user experience within Unity

  • Update modals and panels based on new features

  • Implement designs using C# with engineering team

Pitch Creation

  • Create new pitches based on existing / non-acquired IPs

  • Assess market viability and research player interest

  • Discuss content with other designers in weekly roundtable sessions

  • Provide analysis and study of existing games to identify strengths and weaknesses

End-Game Feature Work

  • Design content based on IP to satisfy long-term players with well-established interests

  • Ensure new feature balances against other existing features

  • Add QOL improvements to existing release

  • Work with player support and engineering to identify potential problem areas for account tracking

  • Work with narrative writer to establish tone, theming, and content delivery

Pride and Prejudice Illuminated

I joined Minerva Interactive in 2018, and joined the team as a Unity developer. The project was a big one—I had to rebuild a demo prototype as a functional game, and scale it to accomodate the intense asset count. I assisted with design, production, QA, and marketing tasks throughout the project’s lifespan, and helped release it to Steam in December 2020.

Drag and Drop Dressing

Role: Developer / Designer

Daily Interaction Design

Role: Designer

  • Build a sophisticated and adaptable drag and drop system as the highlight feature

  • Ensure system works with several hundred assets

  • Build-in scalability for long-term content drops

  • Update UI within individual areas to increase player exploration

Production Support

Trailer / Media Generation

Role: Producer

  • Created graphics and media marketing material for Steam / social media advertising

  • Updated trailers and iconography for website, storefront, and Seattle Indies Expo submissions

  • Create daily methods of engagement, like letter delivery / novel reading systems

  • Update these systems based on existing design intent from prototype

  • Ensure player can navigate throughout each system without becoming blocked

  • Update team and content on daily progress, and maintain documentation accordingly

  • Rework asset files in order to facilitate paper doll style using self-created templates

  • Establish dates and timelines based on individual team needs

  • Update project needs and deadlines based on QA / bug fixes

Role: Producer

Prototype Upgrade

Role: Developer / Designer

  • Take a demo version of the game and expand it to full release

  • Identify areas needing long-term infrastructure and rebuild them

  • Adapt and update UI / UX flow as features are added and removed

  • Work with art, QA, design, and production to maintain source material fidelity